Showing posts with label Bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bee. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Busy As a Bee and A Break

So apparently in my last blog post I sounded quite pitiful.  Hmm, I didn't mean to, or maybe I did?!  My sweet mother in law phoned to see if I was alright and then my neighbor and then my daughter, so I guess I did sound a little down and out.  I'm actually fine, just coughing a bit due to allergies I've determined, which is new for me, I've never really had them before.  And I am always a little bummed when Mr. Tide leaves on short notice to go to places that make me worry for his safety, but after all of these years I'm pretty used to it so it's all good.

(click to enlarge any of the photos in this post if you really want to get up close and personal with the carpenter bee!)

As I was making my way through blogland today I came across a wonderful idea.  It's called The August Break and it is an idea started by the talented blogger Susannah Conway on her amazing blog Notes on Unraveling the her blog!

Here is what she had to say and how this all works...

Okay, here’s the plan for the August Break: you simply share one photo (or more!) per day on your blog – Monday to Friday, or every day. Or whenever you feel moved to share. Using any camera – DSLR, compact, Polaroid, Holga, iPhone (my choice), Instax, film or digital – with or without words – anything goes! – for the whole of August. No pressure – just looking at August through your camera lens as a way to be more present this summer. And to have a little break from the pressures and expectations of regular blogging.

There are NO RULES, people! Just sunshine (hopefully) and a bit of fun. And lots of lovely photos to look at.

Although I don't usually participate in bloggy challenges or meme parties much these days, I love this idea and have decided to join in.  I have some great things happening for me right now, more on that soon I hope, so I think this challenge will fit in well with everything else that is going on and it will allow me to keep snapping pictures without the need to have them make sense...if that makes sense?!  I can be random and experimental and then just share my randomness without explanation, which sounds like a plan to me!

So, if you are interested in giving yourself a little bloggy break during August, go HERE and get the details and join in!

I hope you have a bee-utiful day!