Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

As I munched on my breakfast of organic strawberries, sourdough bread with butter and raspberry jam, and walnuts this morning, I couldn't help but think of all the strife around our planet.

I thought of the people without a bite to eat, of the people who have lost their homes and businesses to senseless violence, and of the families of the fallen who will never again share breakfast with their loved ones.

The truth is that I love pretty pictures just as much as the next person, but I can also appreciate those which capture the pain and suffering in a way that words cannot.  HERE is a link to several pictures that are worth more than a thousand words, for surely anything that touches our souls and makes us strive to do better and be better must be priceless!



  1. What a lovely post! Your breakfast look pretty darn lovely too! ENJOY your day!

  2. Every evening as I do yoga, I turn on the tv to the evening news to see what's going on round the world. Usually the only time my tv is turned on. Yesterday I saw so much tragedy. Seems like I do every night. Makes me grateful for my own blessings.

  3. Your breakfast looks yummy. I don't think I could do yoga and watch the horrors on tv news at the same time. . The news would cancel out the good feelings of yoga.

  4. Every one of those pictures on the link you provided really tells the story without even reading the details of the devastation. Photos are certainly a very powerful way to convey feelings. Much like the comfort looking at an image your yummy breakfast can provide. xo ~Lili

  5. Thoughtful post, is an amazing how deeply we can be touched by a photo...XO, my friend

  6. I cannot even watch the news these days, it's all doom and gloom. However, I do try to read about the kids in Somalia. 30,000 kids have died in 3 months. What the heck is going on in this world!

    Yes, we are so fortunate to have a good breakfast on the table in the morning. And be able to photograph it.

  7. There are some very hard cases very close to home just in our own outlying neighborhoods of poverty and just plain hard times for folks. Our blessed 30 seals to come home in pine boxes to young wives and mothers breaks my heart, and as above, the faces of starving children around our world can cause sleepless nights.

  8. Lovely post Kat. A good photo is one that moves us--either way. It can bring joy to our hearts or pain to our soul, but the important part is, it makes us feel something. How fortunate are we when we do think about all the sad situations in the world. Time to count our blessings. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  9. Yummie breakfast :)

    And yes, this has been on mind also as I enjoy the many luxuries and good fortune of my life. It's a cruel world, sometimes, with no rhyme or reason. I hope that we can forge our indignation into good deeds in the crucible of hope.

    This Good Life

  10. What a wonderful post!
    Opens our eyes, and hearts.

  11. Yum! It's been so long since I've stopped by!! I've got some catching up to do!!!

    Now Following--not sure why I hadn't already!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage
    See my kitchen featured in Romantic Homes, September 2011

  12. Beautifully written, Kat! And I have always loved that song!

  13. Yum! Your breakfast looks like such a deliciously simple way to start the morning.

    I was discussing with another of the tournament volunteers about how so many people are unaware of how violence, and food insecurity isn't just an "over-there" problem, it's also a "right-here" problem, too. I think those of us who live lives where being able to volunteer all week for a pro tennis tournament is a possibility sometimes forget how incredibly fortunate we are.

    I always enjoy your beautiful photos, but agree that sometimes the painful photos are exactly what needs to be seen. Thanks for sharing.


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