Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Never Say Never

(location where I did my latest senior portrait shoot)

When I started taking pictures I swore I would never take "people" pictures.  I had lots of good reasons why I wouldn't.  First of all, people have expectations when you take their picture, and I just didn't need that kind of pressure, right?!

Then I did one shoot, the one I posted here, and I thought, "hey this isn't so bad," but I still wasn't convinced.  There is this little thing called Facebook...maybe you've heard of it?!  Well one thing has led to another and I've done 3 more shoots now!  Two more of girls and their horses (one a senior portrait session) and one shoot was for a woman who is a finalist in an AARP contest.  Both of the girls found me because they saw the pictures from the first shoot I did on Facebook, you gotta love social media!

So, I've set up a Kat Warren Photography Facebook page, the link will be at the bottom of my post in case you want to see pictures from the other 2 shoots.

In other news, it's been hot, hot, hot here.  But even on the hottest days, there seems to be a lovely patch of shade I can find somewhere in my yard to sit and escape the heat.

Today it was down by the water, and there was an amazing breeze which made the actual temp of 90+ feel much less hot in this part of the yard.  And I wasn't the only one crowing about the breeze, Mr. or Mrs. Bluebird was quite happy too!

While I was enjoying the sunshine and cool breezes, I saw an egret (they always fly away when I go inside to get the camera) and a juvenile eagle who was dining on some fish on the other side of the creek, so too far away to capture.

I have disabled comments for this particular post because frankly I haven't had time to respond to the last 3 or 4 posts worth of comments and emails, and I'm hoping to do that this week.  I still have one story due, and I'm busy with helping line up trades people to finish up a few repairs noted by the inspector on my parent's house, so we'll see how it all pans out in the end!

Here is the link to my Kat Warren Photography Facebook Page if you'd like to take a look at my last few shoots.  If you don't have a Facebook account you can also see the pictures on my website by clicking HERE, the main gallery will scroll through all of the people shots I have up so far.

And as always, thanks for stopping by!

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